Privacy Policy

At Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process orders and to provide a more personalized shopping experience and better service. All personal information given to us will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared, sold or disclosed. Your personal information will only be used to fulfill your order.

We will not under any circumstances sell or release your information to anyone except as outlined in our privacy policy. All of the information obtained from our Web site will be used for processing purposes only.

Any information you provide to us at this site when you establish or update an account, shop online or request information (i.e. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and credit card information), is maintained in our private files on our secure Web server and our internal systems. To ensure your shopping with His & Her Hair Goods Co. is safe and secure, our website is secured by 128-bit encryption enabled SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for your protection. The only e-mails you will receive from are updates to any recent orders and/or returns.

What does the Privacy Policy cover?

Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics policy includes

This Privacy Policy outlines Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics practices regarding information collected (a) online at and (b) any other websites operated by Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members including salon websites.

We suggest that you review this Privacy Policy periodically as we may update it from time to time. This policy was last revised on June 30, 2010. By visiting a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics site or otherwise interacting with a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

What information does the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics collect? How do we use it?

Each time you visit a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetic’s site, the web server automatically collects your internet service provider’s address, the web page from which you came, web browser software, and a record of your activity while visiting the site.

The Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members collect personally identifiable information (such as first and last name, credit card number, home address, e-mail address and telephone number) that you provide when you make a purchase; visit the salon or the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites; create or edit your registries and wish lists; participate in a contest, sweepstakes or other promotion; fill out a survey or questionnaire; sign up for a program or club; contact a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member (by e-mail or otherwise); contact a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics customer service representative; or otherwise interact with a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member. This allows us to process and fulfil your order and to notify you of your order status.

Information that you provide at our Retail E-Store may be combined with information that you provide online at the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites, as well as with information about your product interests and purchases. The information you provide to Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members may also be combined with demographic and other information that is available in order to allow the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members to better communicate with you and enhance your shopping experience.

For purposes of this policy, information regarding your children that you (the parent) provide to Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics is treated in the same manner as information collected about you. Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics will not sell or rent your personal information at any time under any circumstance. Your personal information may be shared with other Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics offices or partners in other countries.

How do Diva Maker use and share personal information?

Using Your Personal Information

Your personal information is used by Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members to enhance your guest relationship with them, respond to your requests, tailor offerings to you, communicate with you about products, services, special offerings and events or programs offered by the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members or their marketing partners that may be of interest to you. Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics may also use this information to analyze and manage its businesses. Aggregate data (which does not allow an individual to be identified, contacted or located) is collected from online and offline facilities and may be used to enhance the ability of the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members to communicate with you, and for internal analysis and management purposes.

Sharing Your Personal Information

Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members will not license, sell or provide your personal information to any unaffiliated third party except as permitted by this policy or with your consent. Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics shares your personal information as set forth below:

1. With Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics Members: Personal information collected by one member of Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics will be used by that member in accordance with this Privacy Policy and may be shared with other Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members for use only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

2. With our Service Providers: Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members may share your personal information with service providers who provide services for or administer activities on behalf of the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics (such as, but not limited to, authorization of credit card and check transactions, order fulfillment, sweepstakes and contests, and co-branded or joint product and service promotions). Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics may share your information with service providers who develop, host or maintain the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites on behalf of a member or members of Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics. Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics may also share your information with service providers who warehouse product, personalize product and perform order fulfillment services on behalf of a member or members of Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics. These service providers are granted access to some or all of your personal information as necessary and may use cookies (as defined below) on our behalf but are contractually restricted from using your personal information in any manner other than as may be necessary to perform their services. We may also utilize service providers to assist us in aggregating customer information. We may then share such aggregated information with prospective marketing partners and advertisers.

3. In Connection with Business Transfers: In the event that a store, division or part or all of a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member (or the assets of one of those entities) is bought, sold or otherwise transferred, customer information will likely be included among the transferred business assets.

4. To Comply with Laws: A Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member may also disclose specific information when it determines that such disclosure is necessary to comply with the law or to protect the interests or safety of its visitors and guests, Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction

5. On Registries and Wish Lists: Registries and wish lists are made available for viewing by others. If you create your registry or wish list and elect to make it available online, your information will be accessible at If you create your registry or wish list at, your registry information may also be accessible.

How is my personal information protected?

The Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics Family members use industry standard security techniques on the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites to help protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information collected from you at the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites. When you access your account information, place your orders or transmit personally identifiable data to the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites, that information is stored on servers that the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites have attempted to secure from unauthorized access or intrusion. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the customer data we collect is protected against unauthorized access.

Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members cannot be and are not responsible for unauthorized access to information by hackers or others who have obtained such access through illegal measures.

What are cookies and how does Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics use them?

The Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites use “cookies,” which are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. The cookies are used to connect your computer with information stored about your preferences and product purchases. (Some examples of this data include your account preferences, items added to your cart, user specific information on pages accessed and previous visits to the site.) The Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members do not use cookies to store any of your personal or financial information on your computer. The “help” portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive new cookies or how to disable cookies altogether. Even without a cookie, you can still use most of the features in our store, including placing items in your shopping cart and purchasing them. However, if you reject cookies, you may not be able to participate in certain activities or receive a presentation tailored to you.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 18, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 18 years of age.

How can I opt out from receiving Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member communications?

From time to time, you may receive periodic mailings, telephone calls or e-mails from Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics members with information on products or services, discounts, special promotions, upcoming events or other offers from an Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member or its marketing partners. You may opt out of receiving e-mail communications by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the e-mail received or click here to unsubscribe from future emails. It may take us up to 10 days to complete this process, as permitted by law. You may opt out of receiving mailings or telephone calls by completing the online form at or by calling +1 786 216 1698 asking for an operator who will instruct you on how you may opt out of receiving such communications. Please note that if you ask a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics member to remove your name from a mailing list, your name will be removed from all of the mailing lists maintained by Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics. In addition, your personal information may be retained in the database for record keeping purposes and for internal research and analysis.

How can I update or change my personal information?

You may update or change your personal information by completing the online form at or by calling +1 786 216 1698 and asking for an operator, who will instruct you on how to update or change your personal information. To change your shipping or billing information for future orders, log on, and select “My Account” and make the appropriate changes.

Linked Sites

The Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites may contain links to other sites, including content from other sites that is occasionally framed within a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics site. Please note that the privacy policies at these other sites may be different from this one. You should review the privacy policy of any site linked to or framed within a Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics site prior to providing any information on or to that site.

Consent and Revisions to the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics Privacy Policy

By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics. This Privacy Policy may be updated and revised from time to time and we will post any changes to this policy so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

You agree that the information that we gather now will be subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use. We may contact you with notices concerning our Privacy Policy, but you should check the Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics sites periodically to review any changes.

In summary

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on the site to make shopping at Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics possible and to enhance your overall shopping experience. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.

How to contact Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics

Diva Maker Hair Prosthetics welcomes your concerns and comments about this Privacy Policy or if you have questions:

Please send e-mail to: or please feel free to call us at: +1 786 216 1698